Practice Audit Records Positive Results for Clients using Homeopathic Remedies 

Hot Flushes

After 6 weeks my clients reported 68% average improvement in symptoms, at 6 months 93%, with ongoing improvement recorded.

Mood Swings

After 6 weeks my clients reported 73% average improvement in symptoms and up to 80%+ improvement at 6 months with patients reporting increased happiness and stability.

HRT or Homeopathy? You have a choice

Research released in August 2016 announced 3 times the risk of breast cancer as a result of taking the combined HRT Pill for treatment of menopausal symptoms. On its’ website Cancer Research UK states that,  The evidence that HRT can cause some types of cancer (breast, womb and ovarian) is strong. It includes a study of one million women run by Cancer Research UK scientists, which has shown that different types of HRT can increase the risk of different cancers…..Although estrogen alone improves the symptoms of menopause, it increases the risk of cancer of the uterus ( endometrial cancer). › … › Hormones and cancer. Homeopathy offers an effective solution for menopausal symptoms without the risk of cancer or adverse side effects. 


Menopause - Definition

MENO – Greek for MONTH


PERI – Greek for AROUND

The menopause is usually defined as the phase you enter one year after your last period, once your egg supply runs out, and you are no longer fertile. The average age of women in the UK reaching the menopause is 54/55.

The perimenopause is the phase leading up to the menopause. This can start up to 10 years before your last period.

The post-menopausal phase defines the phase following the menopause.

Don’t forget that this is a natural transitional phase in a woman’s life. It is not an “illness”. Many cultures make this transition without much disturbance.


Perimenopause: 45 – 55 years

Menopause: 55 -60 years

Post Menopause: 60+


Let’s not forget that the menopause comes at a critical moment in many women’s lives. So many changes are afoot that we are not only affected by the change in our hormonal lives but in our home lives as well. We are often faced with having to rediscover and redefine ourselves. This can be daunting but also exciting!


The build up to the menopause is characterised by a general decline in the hormones associated with our menstrual cycle, added to which there are fluctuations in the ratio and relationship between these hormones. As hormones have a critical role to play in maintaining our health, if the balance is tipped your physical or mental self, expresses this in terms of symptoms. Changes and fluctuations in hormone levels are also experienced during puberty, pregnancy and during the menstrual cycle. The menopause is just another hormonal phase with a slightly different hormonal picture.

OESTROGEN: There are 3 different oestrogens (oestradol, oestrene, oestriol), which in a pre-menstrual woman are responsible for an increase in vaginal lubrication and bone formation; healthy skin and good levels of cholesterol(HDL/LDL). They are also associated with lifting mood. Once oestrogen levels decline we can experience vaginal dryness, osteoporosis, skin issues and changing mood. Although the production from the ovaries declines during the menopause, oestrogen is still produced by the adrenal glands and stored in the fat cells of the body. Some cancers are oestrogen sensitive and can be the reason why women with a family history of cancer prefer alternative and complementary therapies to HRT.

PROGESTERONE: Progesterone has an affinity with the vaginal mucosa. After fertilisation the hormone progesterone makes the vaginal mucus hostile to sperm. During the menopause the decline of female hormones can result in the thinning of the vagina and a change in the mucosal bacteria. This can lead to uncomfortable intercourse and/or urinary tract infections.

TESTOSTERONE: Levels of testosterone, also known as androgens, can decline by 50% in women from the age of 40, leading to a lack of energy and loss of libido.

SYMPTOMS: There are over 30 menopausal symptoms covering your physical and mental health. These include:

Physical: hair loss, headaches, hot flushes, loss of libido, migraines, joint pains, osteoporosis, skin problems, tiredness, urinary tract infection, vaginal dryness, weight gain

Mental: anger, anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, irritability, loss of confidence, loss of identity, mood swings, poor memory, sadness, tearfulness


Although there are more common symptoms of the menopausal phase, and many that we share, it is our individual experience and personal symptom picture that matters. We all experience difference in our menstrual cycle so why should we not expect to face difference in our experience of the menopause. Alternative and complementary therapies understand this difference and homeopathy is an effective therapy for menopausal symptoms without the risk of unwanted side effects.