Toddler Trouble - Toilet Training

We don’t call it the “terrible twos” for nothing, and “toddler trouble” is a common topic for discussion, and exasperation, on many parent blogs and social media websites! In common with puberty, this stage of development is characterised by a great many physical, mental and emotional changes, presenting a number of potential challenges for child and parent alike. This is the first of 4 pieces looking at a range of topics affecting the health and wellbeing of this age group, while offering support and natural solutions to ease the way.

The internet is full of tips and advice on potty training, and I have links to help you, here on my website. Key considerations include whether your toddler is ready or not. It is virtually impossible to toilet train a child under 18 months, as neither the nervous system, nor the muscles controlling bladder and bowel movement are sufficiently well developed. Language skills and self-awareness have to be present also. It is also worth reminding oneself that no two children are the same, and that the process can take variously weeks or months with minor relapses if your child becomes troubled or unwell. Let’s not forget also that boys and girls demand a different approach, added to which a parent/carer’s anxiety over the process can hold things up too.

If however, you feel you that have tried everything , or alternatively, you feel that progress has stalled or in fact reversed, homeopathic remedies offer a range of natural, non-toxic solutions, for your child. I have selected a range of commonly prescribed remedies to support you during this phase.

ANAL RETENTION: Children can display “anal retentiveness” as a result of changes at home – often the birth of a baby brother or sister, starting a new school, or as a result of other fears and anxieties. Consider Calcarea Carbonicum or Natrum Mur in this situation.
BOWEL PARALYSIS: If your child appears to have an inactive bowel, with great straining to pass even a soft stool, or will not pass stool until there is a large accumulation Alumina is an option. If your child passes small amounts, but feels that there is more left, and if they have a history of taking laxatives Nux Vomica could be called for.
REBELLIOUS OR STUBBORN BEHAVIOUR: If you feel that your child is essentially “ready” for toilet training, but will not comply, remedies such as Calcarea Carbonicum, Calcarea Phosphoricum or Chamomilla should be thought of, to temper the behaviour and make the child more receptive to the process.
CLINGY, WEEPY BEHAVIOUR: Your child may alternatively express a clingy, weepy behaviour, with frequent, uncontrollable urination as a response to toilet training. Think of Pulsatilla.
NIGHT TIME URINATION: For frequent bedwetting, which may be accompanied by night terrors Phosphorus or Tub’ may be the answer.

When struggling with this myself I comforted myself with the thought that it is a passing phase,and  that it is surmountable with the correct support and advice.

It is always advisable to consult with a qualified homeopath before administering remedies